In Partnership with Wildhorse Media
Our beginnings
Starting in 2018, the Elders Chronicles has been capturing Elder teachings, and lessons for future generations. It was the vision of a group of individuals who have worked in Indigenous communities for decades to preserve the knowledge and teachings of the local Elders, and create an educational program that would help the various First Nations bands to do this, while providing credits for their students.
Your elders, your Teachings, Educating your future generation
As a student completes each course, the students have the opportunity to learn about the specific cultural teachings of their community, while preserving the important Elder knowledge before the opportunity is lost.
Elders as Teachers
Elders can be on hand in the classroom to talk about the specific teachings, and to act as content experts. The video is meant to augment their teachings, and make their cultural knowledge available to a wider audience in the classroom. It is encouraged that the Elders are the forefront of the filming process, and have an input into the teachings they wish to preserve for future generations.
cultural revitalization
Many Elders teachings, and their knowledge, are at a risk of vanishing to the past. Creating these video teachings is a way to solidly preserve that knowledge for future generations.
Your Elders - Your Story
Contact us today at 403-846-7274 to see how we can help you preserve your cultural teachings through video!